
Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A Petition to Magic - Book Trailer

I was very impressed with myself last weekend. Quite some time ago, I subscribed to a free service called Animoto. It's a service that allows you to turn your photos into video slideshows, with title cards, captions, and soundtracks. At the time, I used it to create a slideshow of my wife and my experience at the CANSA Shavathon.

Well, I've been thinking for a while now that I really need to put together a book trailer for A Petition to Magic. Having forgotten all about Animoto, though, and knowing precious little about movie production, I'd been putting it off. Until I saw a book trailer for another book, done in Animoto.

I thought that was a great idea, so I logged back onto the site and discovered that my username and password still worked. So, without further ado, here it is in all its glory!

I hope you like it! Please add your comments below.


  1. That's pretty cool Graham - well done


    The Scribbly Bark Poet

    1. Hi, Maureen

      Thank you for your kind words! If you're interested, I just uploaded a second video. This is one is me, reading the free sample for the ebook. Go have a look at

      Keep well!
      Graham :)
