
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Review: Write It! by Adam Jackson

I picked this book up on one of its KDP Free Days on Amazon. I see it's now $5.99. Had I paid $5.99 for it, it would not have gotten more than two stars out of five from me. At it stands, though, I gave it four.

This book aims to be a simple formula to write loads of books, very quickly. It's a guide on how to make money writing, and is loosely part of a series on writing, publishing and marketing your book.

Adam Jackson is very sure of himself. He maintains emphatically that if you follow his guidelines to the letter, you will have a complete book (fiction or non-fiction) written, edited, cover-designed and published within 30 hours.

Some of the advice here seems sound. There's a chapter on outlining, so that when you finally sit down and write, you have the outline of exactly what you want to write, when. There's a section on research, so that when you sit down to write your outline, you have all the facts needed to write your book. There's even a section on finding ideas, so that you will never be short of an idea for a book.

It all seems a little too easy, though, and I don't know many writers who write that way. I'm taking it with a pinch of salt, but I'm giving it a try and starting with his advice for writing an outline for my next book.

I do like his section on how to motivate yourself when you don't feel like writing, and on vocalising your dreams, because I'm sure many writers go through stages where they wonder why they're doing this in the first place. I think the section on motivation would be good to go back to and re-read whenever I feel this way.

"Write it! - How to write your book in 30 hours or less" is not a bad book, although I get a bit frustrated when people write as though Amazon Kindle is the only ebook platform available for publishing. I just think that Adam Jackson is setting himself up for a lot of backlash when a person doesn't get their book published in 30 hours, or doesn't make a fortune selling it no matter how good it is (getting your book published is one thing, but no matter how good it is, marketing is a huge part, and even then, there's far more luck involved than I think the author would like to admit).

Update: To listen to me speaking about the book, click the Play button below:

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