
Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Crossword Puzzle - April 2014 (Collaboration With Elmari Downs)

This month's puzzle is a special one. My wife, Elmari, offered to do a guest puzzle for me, to which I eagerly agreed.

The puzzle she came up with, though, was sadly too wide for this blog. So we sat together to come up with a smaller one (by dimensions, not by clues). The result was that 95% of the words in this puzzle are still her original words. Although we had to leave two of her words out because of the space constraints, we added a few extra.

Because the majority of this puzzle consists of Elmari's original words (and her original clues!), I still wanted to call this puzzle a guest puzzle from Elmari. But she refused, and instead insisted that I call it a collaboration instead.

So here it is, the April 2014 Crossword Puzzle, which is a collaboration with Elmari Downs. If you like it, why not head on over to her Twitter account, and tell her so?

And by the way, if you don't want to miss another one, then please consider visiting my Contact page, and entering your e-mail address into the box provided.

Here are your clues:

1 A drink that is very popular amongst computer guys (6)
3 This popular U.S. Reality Game show has been around for 28 Seasons (8)
5 The two Popes who were declared Saints on 27 April 2014 have this name in common (4)
6 In oil (5)
9 Steak Ranch (4)
11 A long time (3)
12 How were 16 Nepalese Guides recently killed on Mount Everest? RIP (9)
14 Nocturnal, catches mice (3)
15 Eastern Province (2)
16 This play was written by a well known female author and made #1 on the New York Times best seller list in April (5)
18 Manganese (2)
21 Egyptian symbol of eternal life (4)
23 Greek Goddess of Beauty (9)
24 Gloomy appearance (4)
25 Unisex same (3)
26 He's in charge (4)
28 Another name for The Devil's Triangle (7)
29 Babies need more of this than older people (5)
2 In South Africa it's called Soccer (8)
3 Which popular cellphone company produces the Galaxy range? (7)
4 Love, a song (5)
6 Name of the last South African Public Holiday in April (10)
7 Old hotel (3)
8 Austin powers lost it (4)
10 This animal has excellent vision (4)
13 A well known luxury car, or part of a book title by Stephen King (8)
17 He was released from prison in 1990 (7)
18 End Of The Middle Ages Day gets celebrated on the 29th of .......? (3)
19 Political party ruling South Africa before 1994 (2)
20 Flower, or a name for a National Cricket team (7)
22 2014 in the Chinese Zodiac (5)
25 Take a selfie (4)
26 It buzzes (3)
27 The colour of this star is actually white (3)

As always the answers will be published on 19 May 2014. Whomever is the first to supply the correct answers before then, via either Facebook, Google+, or e-mail, will receive a mention from me on this blog.

Good luck!

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