
Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Do you Read on the Toilet?

When I was growing up, my father used to keep the latest book he was reading in the bathroom, and he used to read it whenever he was on the toilet. In fact, I think that might have been the the only time he read!

My wife tells a similar story. They only had a single bathroom in their house growing up, and she has fond memories of doing the "potty dance" outside the bathroom door, waiting for her father to finish just one more chapter.

Now that I have my own property, I do exactly the same thing. Only now, I take my tablet or phone with me whenever I go to the toilet, and sit there long after I'm... done, because I want to finish the chapter I'm busy with, first.

Of course, with the convenience of e-books, the toilet isn't the only place I read. I always have my phone or tablet with me, and I sneak in a couple of pages of my latest read whenever I possibly can.

So how about you? Do you read books on the toilet? What kinds of books do you read? Are they print or e-books?

Please fill out this fun little survey below, and also (if you're feeling brave) feel free to tell me about your lavatory reading habits in the comments!

(P.S. Want the form in full screen? Click this link)

Image from Flickr:

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