
Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Heritage of Deceit is Free Until Valentine's Day

Whether you like it or not, Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

Thinking about what I could do for you, my loyal blog readers, that's special, I came up with an idea. I have one book that's a little bit... Romancy, and that's Heritage of Deceit. And now that last month's giveaway is over, it's a good time to give that book away for free.

So here you go. From now until the 15th of February, 2016, you can get my Myster/Thriller/Romance mash-up, Heritage of Deceit, free from Smashwords with the following coupon code:


Click here to visit Smashwords, click Buy Now, and enter the above code when prompted.

If you need a quick synopsis of the book, here it is:

While surfing the Internet at work, Lloyd believes he's found a relic from an old genocide. If he's right, the artefact would be worth a ton of money, and it will give lots of people closure when they find out what really happened to their families.

But there's one problem. The artefact--if it really exists--is in the possession of Carla, a shy woman in the company's Accounts Department, and she never lets it out of her sight.

Lloyd seeks the help of his friend and fellow employee, Robert, whom Carla is desperately in love with. Will Robert agree to use Carla's feelings for him to get information about the mysterious object?

You're welcome, and I hope you have a fantastic Valentine's Day, whether you're married, single, dating, divorced, whatever.

Oh, and if you're not interested in reading the book yourself (or even if you are), I would still very much appreciate it if you'd share this deal with all your friends!

Use the sharing buttons at the right of this page (they'll be on the bottom of your screen, if you happen to be reading this post on your cellphone) to share this blog post to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, and more.

The code is unlimited-use, so telling everyone you know about the deal won't diminish your chances to getting the book for free. Go on, share away!

One more time, click here to visit Heritage of Deceit on Smashwords.

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