How did you do? Which clue (or clues) had you stuck? Let me know in the comments below!

1 40% of a hectare (4) acre
5 Afrikaans boss (4) baas
7 French vineyard (3) cru
8 1910 Kentucky Derby winner (5) Donau
9 A-sketch (4) etch
11 Type of grenade (4) frag
15 Viscous, sticky stuff (3) goo
16 On an angel's head (4) halo
17 Phase of water (3) ice
19 American naval legal drama (3) JAG
20 Batti Indian romantic film (5) Katti
22 Melvins album (5) Lysol
25 What the cow says (3) moo
26 Quick drink (3) nip
27 Sealed in blood (4) pact
28 Of sunlight (3) ray
30 Young cow (4) quey
33 Knots (4) tyes
36 South African music group (5) Uhuru
37 Serious promise (3) vow
38 Made by spiders (4) webs
39 For seeing inside your body (4) x-ray
1 Plural of is (3) are
2 With a knife (3) cut
3 MtG card, aka the Commander (3) edh
4 Get a room here (3) inn
5 Species of toad (4) bifo
6 Exclamation of triumph (3) aha
10 Close companion (5) crony
12 Japanese garden (4) roji
13 Measurement of electrical resistance (3) ohm
14 East African sarong (5) kikoi
15 Present got (3) get
18 "The Chicago Association of Legal Personnel Administrators" (5) CALPA
21 Slightly drunk (5) tipsy
22 Ancient knowledge (4) lore
23 Afrikaans cut (3) sny
24 What you did with your dinner (3) ate
29 Small fish (4) ayus
31 Belong to you, text speech (3) ure
32 Owing (3) due
33 Male suit with bowtie (3) tux
34 Mendes, actress (3) Eva
35 Milk subsitute (3) soy
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