Tuesday, 10 January 2017

The Day Job Beckons

As you may or may not know, the vast majority of authors also work day jobs, sometimes completely unrelated to the world of writing and literature. In my case, I'm a computer programmer.

That doesn't mean our books aren't just as good as the likes of Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, or James Patterson; it just means we haven't yet reached the level of critical acclaim that those literary rock stars have.

Anyway, since I didn't win the Lotto in December, and didn't make enough in book sales to cover a year's salary (if you'd like to help with the latter, by the way, feel free to buy a book), it was back to the grind for me on Monday.

I must say, I'm kind of looking forward to it. I've been gone for three weeks, and although I've received a couple of e-mails and phone calls from clients in that time, I'm keen to go see if the place is still standing. There are also plenty of new challenges and lots of new code to write.

What about you? Are you back at work yet after the December break? Or did you even have a December break (my wife didn't - she worked right through, only taking weekends and public holidays off).