Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Writers' Resources: YouWriteOn

I found a really cool website this week, for writers wanting to get their work critiqued.

It's called YouWriteOn.com, and it works like this:

  1. You upload a short story, or sample chapters of your book
  2. You request a "Reading Assignment", which is a random work by another writer, which you're expected to read and review
  3. You get points for completing those assignments, which you "allocate" to your work
  4. Other people get assigned your work to read and review (which depletes your points)
The more reading assignments you complete, the more honest and valuable critique you get for your own work. This really encourages writers helping writers, which is what this whole process is about.

What's more, the highest rated stories are routinely read by agents for Random House and Orion, and if they like your work, they may pick it up for publication!

I added a story I wrote some time ago onto the site, which I haven't been able to find a home for (and which is too short to self-publish as a stand-alone). I've already been getting some great reviews for it, so wish me luck.

If you're a writer who's got something just lying around, you might want to give it a go.

You're welcome. :-)

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