It was for a local streaming-only station called Caxton Radio, based in Emperor's Palace, and it was my first... Well, there was an "almost interview" for a radio station in Cape Town a few years ago, but that fell through. Besides, that one would

The DJ was Paul Rotherham, whom I've known for many years;
This is the first time we've ever spoken on air, though, and I have to tell you, the man is just as much the consummate professional I've always known him to be.
He didn't brief me beforehand about the questions he
We discussed my Retinitis
I brought in a copy of one of my books, Heaven and Earth: Paranormal Flash Fiction, and we chatted about that a bit, and he even (scree!) read the back blurb of it on air. Now that was a surreal experience, let me tell you!

I gave away a copy of that one on Twitter, with people having to listen in, and follow both me and Paul:
After the interview, the two of us had a quick meeting. I'm not prepared to divulge the details of said meeting yet, but[ZA only] Follow @PaulRotherhamZA and @GrahamDowns, then tune in to #CaxtonRadio ( and RT this tweet within the next 24hrs for a chance to win a signed paperback of my #paranormal flash fiction collection, Heaven and Earth! Winners announced tomorrow.— Graham Downs π πΏπ¦ (@GrahamDowns) November 11, 2019pic . AvdodHccIG

It was really nice to just chat, and to once again be reminded that these so-called "celebrities" are real people, just like you and me. Just regular joes (and janes ) who happen to be doing what they love.
So thank you, Paul, for a wonderful interview and a productive discussion. Here's to many more!
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