Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Do you have a book-buying budget?

Over the past few months, I've come across a few readers who have a dedicated budget each month for buying books, and when that budget is done, it's done.

On the one hand, I think that's a great thing - as are all budgets - because I also know quite a few readers who happily spend their "bread and milk" money on books, and are completely broke by the end of the month.

I run Hotjar on my website (if you run a website, you need Hotjar!), where on each of my book pages, I ask users one simple question: "If you didn't buy this book today, what stopped you?"

Last month, I got a surprising response to that question. It was from a user in New Zealand, who said "I will be buying this book, as I really want to read it, but my budget for this month is up. I'll buy it next month."

Whether she's bought it or not, I cannot say, but I thought that was a really interesting answer.

Do you think she's going to go back and buy my book, if she hasn't already? And more importantly, do you have a monthly budget (and do you stick to it) for buying new books?

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