Tuesday 1 May 2018

Discworld Day 2018: We Had a Blast!

And now for something completely different. My wife and I went to Discworld Day this past Saturday. It was so much fun--more fun than I thought it would be, to be honest--and what a fantastic way to honour the late Sir Terry Pratchett!

There were plenty of people in costume... but just as many who weren't. What was really nice, for me, was that there was no judgement either way. Everyone was just there to have a good time.

And look who we spotted, sauntering around the grounds on his mighty steed. Yep, the one and only anthropomorphic personification of Death himself.

And here, the famous Octavo.

We finished off the afternoon under the Sapient Pearwood Tree, listening to "Sir Terry" himself reading some of our old favourites. What a privilege.

If you've never been to something like this (we hadn't), I can highly recommend it. It's not nearly as "geeky" as you've been led to believe, and it's a great day out.

There's a Medieval Fayre at the same venue in September, and I feel pretty sure we'll be attending. We're well and truly hooked, now!

If you'd like to see more photos from the event, you can check the full album out on my Facebook Page.

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