It went so well, that I thought we'd do it all over again.
So here we go: I'd like you all to fill out the form below, and tell me what you would say your favourite book of all time is.
I'm looking for individual books only. Don't vote for a whole series, please - you must decide which individual book in that series is your favourite, and enter that instead.
I'll keep this open call running for a month, until 6 Jan 2020. Then I'll crunch the numbers, and announce the shortlist, here on this blog the next day.
If you'd like to be one of the first people to know when the shortlist is out, be sure you enter your email address into the form, after your vote. That's completely optional, of course, and if you do enter it, I promise to only use it to send you the shortlist and final results when they're out. After which, I will delete your address from my database.
Does that all make sense? Sound good? Very well, then. Go! :-)
Please play along and nominate. What's nice about these nominations, in my opinion, is that unlike all the others that do the rounds this time of year, this one's not restricted to publication date, publication method (self-published or traditionally published) or format. If a book was published, at any time in history, by any means and in any format, you can vote for it!
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